Week 10 – Community/Public Health Elective

Date: 11/17/17                     Rotation: Community/Public Health Elective                  Location: BronxWorks

Activities / Assignments:

  • Distributed lunch and metro cards
  • Tracked group activities in e-share – lunch/dinner
  • Reassessments
  • Counseling with supplements
  • Continued reading “Random Family”
  • Closed client accounts
  • Created a guideline for future interns on the timeline for documenting client services delivered in ESHARE
  • Led a nutrition group on fats titled “Fats: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”

Comments / Thoughts / What You Learned / Challenges: My preceptor asks each intern to develop something for future interns that will help them in some way. I decided to create an outline/guideline for the timeline for individual services delivered. This was something that I couldn’t commit to memory, and so I developed a little cheat-sheet for myself. So as my gift to future interns I created a timeline cheat sheet for services delivered.

A challenge that I encountered was during the nutrition group I led. In the first nutrition group I led, there were 13 participants, while in this second one only 4 people participated, and one person left 5 minutes into the group because they had a doctors appointment to get to. It was a challenge to fill the entire hour because there were less people there and therefore there was not as much discussion about the topic. It was also my first time performing a cooking demonstration (I made guacamole to provide an example of a snack that contained healthy fats). The group wound up being a success, but having so few people did throw me in the beginning. However, I am glad I was able to experience a group with a lot of participants and one with very few. I feel both were valuable in helping me develop a teaching style, and in the future I will know to be prepared for both scenarios.

Learning Objectives Met: CRDN 2.11, CRDN 3.3, CRDN 3.4, CRDN 3.5 CRDN 3.6, CRDN 3.7, CRDN 3.8, CRDN 3.10, CRDN 4.1

Clock Hours: 40 Hours

  • Monday 11/13/17 → 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM (8 hours)
  • Tuesday 11/14/17 → 9:30 PM – 5:30 PM (8 hours)
  • Wednesday 11/15/17 → 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM (8 hours)
  • Thursday 11/16/17 → 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM (8 hours)
  • Friday 11/17/17 → 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM (8 hours)


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